The caller on the other end of the line had a question: “Can you do anything about a default judgment?” “Of course you can,” I responded. “It’s called a motion to vacate or set aside a default judgment, and I file them all the time.” The caller explained that he had just spoken to two …
Stop the Collection Calls
Some folks in the San Francisco Bay Area are surprised to get multiple telephone calls in one day from debt collectors in other parts of the country, including from other time zones. It’s extremely annoying to be harassed with multiple calls, repeatedly having to explain that the debt isn’t yours (mistaken identity or you’re a …
Are My Student Loans Private or Federally-Guaranteed?
Many people who call us have questions about their student loans and repayment programs but they don’t yet know which of their loans are private bank loans and which are federally guaranteed. The best way to find out is to go to the National Student Loan Data System website (NSLDS) provided by the U.S. Department …
Are My Student Loans Private or Federally-Guaranteed?Read More
Protecting Against Default Judgments
Has a debt collector contacted you and asked how you are going to pay a debt, and then informed you that the creditor already has a judgment against you? This sometimes happens if you were served papers but never filed a written response. It’s also possible that you never knew about the lawsuit because the …